Friday 24 May 2013

Ballade about "Luke"

Favour with Luke

I quiver from the crisp air
Then sup on my lemonade
Still, my fat cheek's blush is there
Luke sways off in shoes of suede
I'm charmed and my day is made
Do I miss him?? Was I rash?
Dear Jesus, thank You!” I prayed.
He turns my head into mash

Gently, I neaten my hair
I watch Twitter in the shade
Then ponder back with the glare
And dream as the dull world fades

Luke struts to the cement's shade
Like a peacock - with delay
We both know he's had "it made”
He turned my mind into mash

Luke's rugged hair still has a flair
Now, there's no river to wade
Chilled weather leave the clouds fair
But yet, I sense I am sprayed
My dragged glance causes a stare
I fake I have a red rash
Just his lashes met the grade
He turns my head into mash

I was snapped back by a maid
She said, “Thank ya for the cash!”
The bill paid! His business card!
He turns my mind into mash.

© 2013 Amy N.J.

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